If you can’t connect to the internet like this, you likely have a problem with your modem, your computer, or your ISP. If you have checked all your wires and you are still getting the same problem, perhaps check that your internet works by plugging an Ethernet cable straight from your modem into your laptop or computer. After all, if you are connected to your network but not the internet, surely it would make sense if the problem was to do with the internet connection? If it isn’t a problem of where you are located (or the router power cycle didn't do the trick), the first thing to do is simply check the wires between your modem and your router are plugged in and the cable is not damaged.

If it does but you need to use wifi in the location where you see the message, you still have a few options to solve the problem: If you think this is the problem, simply move towards your router and see if the ‘Limited Wi-Fi’ message goes away. If you are connecting to your network from a new place, it may be a simple case of you being too far away from your router to get a usable connection. Ok, so this is super simple, and we apologize if we are suggesting the obvious, but it needs to be ruled out. How To Fix The ‘Limited Wi-Fi’ Issue Check You Are Within Range Of Your Router Luckily, it is usually a pretty easy problem to fix. You have a great connection for a long time, then one day, you turn your iPad on and see the dreaded message. It is a super annoying problem because it often seems to happen randomly. If you are seeing a message saying you have limited wifi it usually either means that you have a weak wifi connection, or you have a good connection but no internet access. What Is "Limited Wi-Fi", And How Does It Affect Me?

Hopefully this guide will have you back watching GoT or chatting with your FB buddies before you know it.

If you are struggling to fix the "Limited Wi-Fi" error message, then please read on to find out what you can do to solve the problem. It always seems to happen at the worst time too (why is that?). A problem with your wifi is a pain in the , at the best of times.